What is SEO?
The goal of Search Engine Optimization,(SEO) is to achieve better organic search results on search engines like Google without using paid means like sponsored links and advertising (Google Ads, for example).
A website’s ranking is considered good when it’s among the top choices on the first page of search results.
Simply put, if you want to be first on Google, SEO is the way to get there.
What’s the difference between SEO and SEM?

SEM orSearch Engine Marketingis the paid counterpart of SEO. SEM = Google Ads.
You’ve probably noticed that the way Google presents search results has changed. You can now find company listings, ads, products, maps and answers to your questions directly on Google, without having to leave the platform. These Featured Snippets (other questions asked, videos, shopping listings and so on) are called SERP Features.
What’s the difference? All of these features make the organic results appear lower down on the page, resulting in less visibility.
Does that mean you should ditch SEO? Just the opposite. It’s more important than ever now to optimize your site for search engine optimization.
Pour y arriver, il faut évaluer la concurrence dans le secteur d’activités. La stratégie et le choix des mots-clés seront différents selon l’importance de la concurrence. Si elle est féroce, on devra potentiellement songer au SEM sans pour autant négliger l’optimisation du site, car un site bien optimisé permettra également l’obtention de meilleurs résultats en SEM.

How does it work?
To improve your ranking on Google, you need to make life easier for Google’s indexing robots (and those on other search engines such as Bing).
Robots use inbound links, or backlinks (links from one website to another), to assess whether the site is a credible source of information. Ils se réfèrent aussi à la structure du site pour déterminer si le contenu est pertinent pour la personne qui fait la recherche dans Google.
Just a few years ago, a well-optimized site with SEO-friendly tags and a solid number of inbound links could perform well on search engines.
But modern SEO is about so much more than that. Google now uses artificial intelligence (AI) to refine its search results. The system is called RankBrain, and it learns and makes adjustments in the algorithm to deliver the best search results based on the user’s query.
Une machine aussi intelligente, c’est clairement plus efficace qu’une équipe d’experts pour créer l’algorithme qui répondra de la meilleure manière possible aux 40 000 requêtes par seconde qui sont faites sur Google (3,5 milliards par jour!).
Every day, 15 percent of the queries made on Google are totally new queries that Google has never had to process before. This is where artificial intelligence jumps in to help.
What is RankBrain?
RankBrain is a key element in Google’s algorithm. It’s an absolute must. You can no longer perform SEO without taking RankBrain into account.
Le principal critère de RankBrain? RankBrain’s number one criteria is to determine user’s satisfaction level with search results.
Even if a page is well optimized and is ranked among the first results of theSearch Engine Results Page (SERP)it can lose its coveted position if the content doesn’t live up to what users are looking for. For example, if the user doesn’t click on the search results, or only visits the page for a few seconds before going back to Google, the search engine sends a negative signal.
Over time, pages that rack up negative signals are penalized, and the artificial intelligence system will move their positioning down, giving a boost to other pages that performed well with users.
As you can see, it’s essential to not only optimize your website for SEO, but to make sure you respond effectively to user requests as well.
« Rank first on Google! »
Reaching the top spot on Google is no easy feat. It takes strategic thinking, a solid game plan and calculated effort.
- Which keywords could boost your ranking?
- Does your existing content contain these keywords or does it need to be revised?
- If you put yourself in the user’s shoes (the potential customer) and look for the type of product or service you offer, would your page respond well in a Google search?
- Is it easy for users to find the information they need?
- How easy is it for them to reach their goal (to contact you, sign up or purchase online, etc.)?
Answering these criteria will increase the chances that RankBrain will rank your site well.
How can the Spritz team improve your SEO?
To optimize your website, our digital team:
- Performs an analysis of the existing site;
- Conducts keyword research based on objectives to find more suitable options;
- Suggests changes to the content of your web pages where necessary.
After optimizing the site, our strategists can guide you in producing content like blog posts or videos, all supported with specific keywords to improve your SEO.
We look at all the different SEO factors on your site, but we also look at off-site factors such asbacklinks.). We put tools in place to track SEO results over time and to find new keyword opportunities. These allow us to find words or phrases that aren’t necessarily the most competitive but still offer users greater search volume.
Why do you need it?
It’s become second nature. As soon as a question pops into our heads, we ask Google. And it’s Google’s job to answer all those questions. At Spritz, we optimize your website to make sure Google prioritizes it.
A high-ranking site boosts your visibility so you can reach potential customers in more diversified markets, which tends to translate into better sales.
Something to keep in mind is that Google changes its algorithm regularly. To stay up to date and maintain your ranking position, you need to follow the latest trends and make adjustments accordingly. That’s where our digital specialists can really make a difference, making sure your site continues to evolve to keep up with the changing algorithms.