Creating quality content – copy, photos and videos

Content marketing, defined

Content marketing is all about creating, posting and distributing content to a targeted online audience.

What is content creation?

It means creating content that attracts and holds the attention of a target audience. Content creation helps set brands apart, using copy, photos, videos, graphics, etc. that offer value to the target audience.

A few content examples

Written content

  • Optimized copy for websites (SEO)
  • Optimized product pages for e-commerce (SEO)
  • Optimized blog posts (SEO)
  • Newsletters
  • Promos and email communications
  • Social media posts
  • Ads and sponsored posts
  • Job offers
  • Internal communications (messages from management, emails, intranet)

Visual content

  • Corporate videos
  • Promotional videos
  • Photos
  • Graphics
  • Illustrations
  • Animations (stop motion, GIF)

What is (good) content?

Poor quality content is all too common today. Content that’s consumed too quickly and fails to capture the user’s attention and interest. Fast content is over.. Fini l’obsolescence programmée. Content has to be eco-responsible (i.e. of the highest quality) and carefully thought out as part of a broader strategy. If not, you’re throwing money down the drain.

What is fast contentFast content, as the name suggests, is the online equivalent of fast food Empty calories in your user’s feed. Content that’s produced without strategic thinking, without an editorial line and without a specialized editorial team—even if it starts from a good idea. This kind of content can be consumed quickly and may even attract clicks, but it won’t deliver results.

Poor quality content will cost you.You’ve heard it a thousand times but it bears repeating: it’s quality, not quantity, that counts.

Measuring performance (KPI). Good content meets a need and generates results. Analyzing statistics is the only way to create relevant content and optimize existing content.

Spritz’s recipe for quality content

  • Strong analysis. We deliver strategic thinking based on real numbers and stats.
  • Extensive research. We create quality content based on the client’s playing field and targeted platforms.
  • Creative writing. We write relevant copy that keeps users engaged.
  • UX-thinking. We understand design and structure your content to create eye-catching visuals.
  • A talent for numbers. We evaluate and optimize content based on results.

Why do you need it?

Quality content is engaging and memorable, allowing you to build and maintain a long-term relationship with your communities.

The top reasons to create quality content

  • Build brand awareness and strengthen your brand image
  • Improve your website’s ranking on search engines
  • Increase traffic on your site
  • Convert consumers into brand ambassadors
  • Position your brand as a reference in your industry
  • Position your brand as a reference in your industry

You get it by now. The challenge for brands isn’t to create content, but to understand that the content they produce must be profitable and deliver results. Quality content ends up costing you half as much because it pays off in the short, medium and long term.

Engaged subscribers, loyal consumers, brand notoriety and credibility… quality content is served.

Le studio sp·ace,
un espace dédié à la création de contenu

Ouvert à tous et disponible en location, le studio est équipé pour la prise de photo, les tournages vidéo, l’enregistrement de balados et les événements personnels ou corporatifs.